Man if I was a sitcom star I already know what the shittiest day of work would be. No, not when
George Wendt eats all of the maple logs from the catering table, but rather the "musical episode." Man those episodes fucking suck. A lot of shows have jumped the shark on those episodes.
But you still have to take a look back and show some love to the best lip sync performances.
California Dreams-"Mama Said"
Man this show was awesome. Sure it was a blatant rip off of saved by the bell, only they played in band, and there were more ethnic people. I loved Sly because he was a poor man's Zack Morris and Jake because he never changed clothes. It was also great because the only gig they could get was at Sharky's.
But after you watch this performance of Samantha belt out
'Mama Said' you really have to question why they didn't go further as a group.
I love in the video how they don't play on Asian stereotypes by having a dragon run through "Sharky's"...wait nevermind. Oh, and I don't play guitar, but I am pretty sure that Jake is not playing the way he should be. It's a slow song, and Jake is rocking out and it looks like his guitar will ignite with all the friction. Come to think of it, Jake's a dick.
Marty McFly-Johnny B Good
Holy Shit! Maybe the best lip sync performance ever! Complete with guitar solo that would even make Hendrix look lame, McFly rocks the fuck out of a 1955 high school dance and as a result almost gets caught in 1955. I watched the extras of BTTF and Fox says that he actually played guitar in real life and all of the fingering and strings were the same as Johnny B Good. It's just awesome how he totally goes apeshit and jumps off an amp, then kicks another one down, then finishes with a back crawl across stage. Oh, and the whole time the band is playing "Blues Riff B" and watching him for the changes and trying to keep up.
My personal pick for best lip sync ever. Sea or no sea, it's hard not to feel enchanted after this
performance.Zack Attack-Friends Forever
I know I bagged earlier on "musical episodes" but when SBTB did them, they did them right. Take your pick from Hot Sunday, The Zack Attack, the Five Aces, or where Jessie sang at Artie's funeral (Slater's pet chameleon) it was all musical magic.
But you have to go with the Zack Attack and Friends Forever performance.Man this video cracks me up beyond belief. It's a mix of Casey Cassum's nostalgic pause, Kelly owning the stage, Lisa's bass which is the 1/87th the size of a real bass, and Screech trying to play keyboard,lip sync and look like he is having fun. Plus that girl in the front row looks like she is in heaven at the "reunion concert".
Hey notice how in California Dreams and SBTB both of the "ethnic" characters are on drums? I wonder why that is?
Anyways, check this out and enjoy!Milli Vanilli-any concert they ever did
Well I think the fact that
their "cd" skipped at a concert and being busted in front of thousands of their own fans is just awesome.
Pick 'em-McFly and Johnny B Good