Nic Cage was recently in reports to star in the independant movie "The Wrestler". The film is about a washed up wrestler who decides to get back in the ring. Darren Aronofsky is slated to direct the picture.
However, Cage has dropped out and the word has it that Mickey Rourke is now set to inherit the lead role.
This may be somewhat of a blessing in disguise for people associated with the film. Let's face it, the visual scars of "Ghostrider" still haven't healed, plus having Mickey Rourke in this film would be a classic example of art imitating life. Washed up wrestler returns to squared circle, washed up actor returns to getting a paycheque...
Plus Mick, I would say has quite a plethora of experience over Cage when it comes to getting his ass kicked. (box office numbers for 'Bringing out the dead' aside)
Either way, I am excited for this film and Mickey Roruke kicked ass in 'Diner'.
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