The other night I saw CLOVERFIELD at the theatre. As with all movies, they played a series of trailers before the movie started.
It seriously made me cringe......I'm about to give up on Hollywood...I mean it with all sincerity. They couldn't make an original movie that was actually entertaining if their life depended on it. I'm not talking about some gay CGI movie either, because I don't consider those movies. I am not discrediting all of the hard work that goes into making one, but I just don't consider them actual movies.
Now when I say Hollywood, I don't mean independent films. Those are pretty much all I will watch these days because they are actual solid films worth watching. They don't have a huge hype machine behind them because quite frankly they don't need them because the film itself is good enough to stand on its own.
But it's so frustrating with all of the resources, that Hollywood cant turn out a thought provoking, entertaining film that doesn't need to have millions sunk into an advertising campaign, or action figures, or cross promotions with T-Mobile. They are becoming somewhat of a dying breed these days. If you don't believe me, just look at the box office numbers for 2007. Top ten grossing films of 2007 in order:
1.Spiderman 3 336.5 million (part of a series)
2.Shrek 3 322.7 million (part of a series)
3.Transformers 319.2 million (based on an 80s cartoon)
4.Pirates of the Carribbean 3 309.4 million (part of a series)
5.Harry Potter:Order of Phoenix 292 million (part of a series, based on a book)
6.I am legend 248.2 million (based on a book, third remake of this)
7.The Bourne Ultimatum 227.4 million (part of a series, based on a book)
8.300 210.6 million (original screenplay)
9.Ratatouille 206.4 million (original movie...sorry it was CGI...doesn't count)
10.National Treausre 2 199.2 million (sequel)
So for the top ten grossing films, exactly two of them were original ideas. 300 was actually based on a real life event, but I'll give it a pass, and you know how I feel about CGI.
I'm not saying that sequels and trilogies shouldn't be made. Hell, the Bourne trilogy in my opinion is the best trilogy in the past 20 years. But why can't Hollywood make something original.
Has this become Hollywood's kryptonite? Originality? Well maybe I am jumping the gun, but from an actual acting perspective the first film to be recognized for an acting achievement is Ruby Dee in American Gangster (18th highest grossing film 2007 at 129.9 million. Ruby Dee was selected as a nominee for best supporting actress-Academy award)
This leads me to believe that the overwhelming general movie viewing public is more concerned with CGI effects, explosions, big name actors and less concerned about actual acting, a good story or originality. Fair enough, to each their own, but at this rate original ideas in Hollywood will become as extinct as the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.....wait how many Jurassic Parks did they make?
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