Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How Jerry locked up Rebecca to a "long term deal"

Notice in this photo how Jerry O'Connell looks slightly confused. It's almost like he is saying "How did I get her?"
That's basically the same conclusion all heterosexual males came to when they found out O COnnell somehow married Rebecca Romaijn this past summer.

I have my "theories" as to how to O' Connell pulled this off, and this is the best I could come up with.

Setting (outside an LA restaurant during lunch)

Rebecca-"No Jerry, I won't marry you."

Jerry-"But Rebecca, I will do anything for love. I love you so much I am capable of doing anything!"



Rebecca-(pauses for a moment) "Ok, if you can chase this black van while wearing an outfit conisisting of tapered black jeans and a stonewashed denim shirt while FLYING, then I will marry you" (Rebecca laughs quietly to herself thinking she has asked Jerry to do the impossible)


Moments later....

Rebecca cries in shock and disbelief...

Jerry-"Do you want to go with rack of lamb or lobster bisc as the meal for our reception?"

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